Sacred Merkaba TechniquesのオフィシャルHPに掲載されている文章は基本的にすべて創始者であるGary Smithが書いたものですが、内容が多次元的であるため、一度お読みいただいただけではご理解いただけない場合があります。




記録のホール 追加情報(概要:8月14日)

.古代エジプトのアセンデッド・マスターは「マスター・オブ・クラフト(大工職人)」という称号を与えられました。39人の特別なアセンデッド・マスターが「大白色同胞団(Great White Brotherhood)」として3500年前に人々に紹介されたのはエジプトのカルナックでした。

エジプト 追加情報(概要:8月19日)




Personal Announcement From Gary Smith(August 12th)

Hooray! The fabled Hall of Records long known to be buried near the Sphinx has been accessed! The Secrets of the Ancient Egyptian Pyramids has been opened!

A special research team has been secretly working for years on this project. Their historic breakthrough into the Hall of Records has resulted in a wealth of information. In fact further details of the situation are still unfolding at this moment.

The research team is planning to make an exciting public announcement by the end of the month about their incredible discoveries.

Equally exciting is the fact that the research team asked me to make this early announcement for them. The reason for this announcement is that they wish to notify people throughout the world about their wonderful discovery and to invite all interested people throughout the world to meditate, pray or sit with an open mind on Saturday August 16th.

On Saturday, August the 16th the research team will be performing some new type of high energy spiritual testing using some "things" they have discovered.

We in the Sacred Merkaba Techniques have been requested to assist the team by doing extra meditations and spiritual dancing on August 16th. We are then to report our personal experiences to the research team .

I am passing this same wonderful information, that was sent out to the Sacred Merkaba Techniques Teachers and Meditators, out to my personal announcement list so people throughout the world who are not connected with the Sacred Merkaba Techniques may also participant in this exciting test eminating from the Egyptian Pyramids this coming Saturday.

In The Light of God's Unconditional Love

Hall of Records Update - Please Forward to Others(August 14th)

I personally feel like a little boy impatiently waiting for a gift to arrive. It will be exciting to observe the energetic effects on my personal meditation and on the meditations of others by the energies created by the high spiritual energy tests from Egypt this Saturday.

The energies released by the research group's working with the "things" are expected to "increase the size of one's Light Body". One's Light Body is called "ka" in ancient Egyptian. The ancient Egyptian Mystery Schools used a variety of methods to attain Enlightenment. The activation one's consciousness into a Mer-Ka-Ba was the center point of one's spiritual techniques in ancient Egypt. Thus, it is expected that all who activate one or more dimensional levels of their consciousness into Merkabas will "feel" increases in their consciousness.

Ascended Masters in ancient Egypt were given the title of "Masters of the Craft". It was in Karnack, Egypt where 3,500 years ago a special group of 39 Ascended Masters were formally introduced to the people of Egypt by Pharaoh Tuthmosis III as the "Great White Brotherhood". These special 39 Ascended Masters then accomplished many amazing feats over the years and many in Egypt at that time reached Enlightenment.

I have only a little time to share these few bits of information from the special research group in Egypt. The reason they asked me to publicly announce the coming event this Saturday was so people throughout the world may observe the effects to their Light Body.

If you have consciousness expanding experiences from this Saturday's event the research group in Egypt would like to hear from you. Please send your experience reports to us and we will forward them to the group.

Further information and findings will be publicly released by the research group themselves later this month.

I am teaching two 3 Day Intensives for the Sacred Merkaba Techniques Teachers and Meditators to train people in a wondrous new type of healing over this weekend and next. Thus, I will forward information to you as it is released by the research group and as my time permits.

These are truly the most exciting times ever.
Just what we asked for.

In The Light of God's Unconditional Love

Egyptian Update - Please Forward to Others(August 19th)

WOW!!! What a 3 Day Weekend!

Saturday was an exciting day for spiritual energies as the research group began some energy tests in Egypt using "things" from the Hall of Records.

However, Sunday was even more wondrous and a "full power up" was made. This resulted in many exciting and amazing events for the group. This also enabled the research group to access new levels. Much was obtained from Sunday's work. The deciphering of symbols and information will take time.

Each tablet, especially those of lapis lazuli, contain a wealth of information. Each will be studied and these studies will take time.

Those interested in helping the research group - If you had any unusual spiritual experiences on either Saturday or Sunday - you are encouraged to send a brief summary of your experience to me, (Gary@Merkaba.org), so I may forward the information to the research group to be included in their studies.

Further releases of information are expected later this week or next. The research group apparently has to re-write an entire new announcement based upon what unfolded for them on Sunday in Egypt.

The Sacred Merkaba Techniques will be having a unique 3 Day Meditators Intensive this weekend to teach a new magnificent healing techniques. The Sacred Merkaba Techniques has the express written permission of the research group to incorporate into our new healing technique certain information the research group has obtained from their work in Egypt. See our website at www.merkaba.org for more information.

In The Light of God's Unconditional Love

The Sphinx's Secrets(August 20th)

The mysteries of the Sphinx are many. The Sphinx contains secrets from the times before the "Flood". "The Flood" is one of two historical reference points that are included in the Creation Story of every indigenous people on the planet. Noah's Ark is but one such Creation Story. Every place on earth has their own version of this flood in their story of Creation and in their history of humanity on planet Earth.

The key to human situations can be found in the facial expressions of individuals. Unfortunately several centuries ago, French army troops used the Sphinx for target practice. Thus, after escaping thousands of years of weathering in order to bring a message to those who are ready at this moment in time, much of the facial features including the nose, were blown away several centuries ago by Napoleon's troops and their cannons. Therefore, many have misunderstood the location of the Secrets of the Sphinx.

The Sphinx has the body of a lion and a male/female head covered by a unique headband.

Information below was supplied by the research group:
1. The Secrets of the Sphinx can be accessed once a year in the month of the Lion, July 23rd to August 22nd.
2. The Secrets of the Sphinx can only be accessed by an Ascended Master who is in complete balance of all their mental and emotional energies.
3. The Secrets of the Sphinx can be accessed at the location where the line from the eyes of the Sphinx meet the earth.
4. The Secrets of the Sphinx have been accessed.

A more detailed announcement will be forthcoming from the research group themselves later this month.

By the way, earlier updates supplied by the research group on the Egyptian events now unfolding can be found at www.merkaba.org.

In The Light of God's Unconditional Love

(以上、Sacred Merkaba Techniques オフィシャルHPより原文翻訳)

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